The technology used by Naturongo Is a culmination of the decades of experience of its developers, which resulted in a system that is extremely robust, scalable and secure. This is particularly important for a crowd-sourced, data-mining product servicing multiple health-related disciplines.

Naturongo’s technology is one of the pillars that make the company’s mission something more than just a good idea. The vast amount of experience and thought that went into it makes it an important factor that will pave the way to realizing the vision.

Securing the privacy of personal identifiable information is not something that was added onto the system as an afterthought, but a principle that was followed from the beginning of the system’s design process through every step of its implementation. The guiding line was that if the system is built so that we ourselves can’t know the personal information of our practitioners' clients even if we wanted to, then this will make it extremely difficult for malicious hackers to know this information - even in the very unlikely event of a database breach. This is implemented using end-to-end encryption (E2EE) that ensures the only person that can ever match the identities (or identifiable information) of someone to the health information is the practitioner that treats them. In addition, constant attention was given to build the system according to established software security guidelines.
As one of the goals of Naturongo is to provide valuable insights regarding which medicines and treatments are most effective in improving health and well-being, and the assumption that this important knowledge can be found when enough data is collected, the system has both scalable data collection channels (such as customizable complaints and feedback options from the HealthPal mobile app and practitioner applications) and scalable storage methods for the data received from these channels. The philosophy was: invest a lot of thought once in the data collection and storage infrastructure so that future energies can be focused on getting a larger flow of data from an increasing set of disciplines and then using that infrastructure to easily query any aspect of the information and distill it to arrive at meaningful conclusions.
Naturongo’s system architecture is built for fast adaptation to support every health-related profession. This is achieved by an extremely flexible database structure which can automatically accommodate new templates, forms and properties specific to any new discipline, and a mechanism for rapid construction of new user interfaces to service additional disciplines.
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